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Mini stațiunea de schi cu nocturnă din Bucureștiul interbelic. Pârtiile erau acolo unde acum e Sala Polivalentă

Într-un oraș de câmpie prin definiție plat ca Bucureștiul, pe dealul Piscului a existat o mică stațiune de schi și săniuș, cu pârtii iluminate nocturn și cabane unde se vindeau ceai și țuică fiartă. Amenajată…

The main idea of the text is to tell the story of a mini ski resort that existed in Bucharest during the interwar period. The resort was located on Piscului Hill where the current Sala Polivalentă stands, and offered illuminated ski slopes, complete with cabins serving tea and hot plum brandy. The text highlights how this development stemmed from the rise in popularity of skiing in Romania, fueled by the passion for the sport of King Carol II and his son Prince Mihai, and Prince Nicolae's contribution as the author of the first Romanian ski guide. Ultimately, the text paints a picture of a bygone era when Bucharest, despite being a flat city, had a thriving ski scene.

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